Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Space Day in Room13

Last Friday Anne-Marie who is the US Space Camp Ambassador to New Zealand came and taught us about 'Space'.

She told us many interesting facts about space and our solar system. We learned some very funny facts including how people manage to go to the toilet when they are in the Space Shuttle. It's not easy when there is no gravity!

We all got to dress up in space overalls which was very exciting. Here are some photos of what we did with Anne-Marie.

Keeping Ourselves Safe

This term we have been doing the Keeping Ourselves Safe programme. Constable Ross came into our class and took some lessons called 'The Real World' and 'About abuse'.  We learned lots of important information on how to keep ourselves safe.

Here are some photos of Room 13 involved in some of the activities we did with Constable Ross.